API Docs for: 1.4.4

File: editor\ugsEditorPlus.optionsDlg.js

 * UI mechanics of the Other Options "dialog"'s checkboxes and input
 * fields (does NOT manage "pageWidth" since its standard submenu behavior
 * is already handled in that class)
 * @class optionsDlg
 * @namespace ugsEditorPlus
ugsEditorPlus.optionsDlg = (function() {
	 * attach public members to this object
	 * @property _public
	 * @type JsonObject
	var _public = {};

	 * Sets up this class by attaching event handlers to form elements;
	 * @method init
	 * @public
	_public.init = function() {
		var ele,
			options = ugsEditorPlus.options;

		// Update Button
		document.getElementById('updateBtn').onclick = function() {
			triggerNotify('update', '');
			return false;

		// show/hide square bracket (chord enclosure)
		ele = document.getElementById('chkEnclosures');
		ele.checked = options.hideChordEnclosures;
		ele.onclick = function() {
			// Boolean "isVisible"
			triggerNotify('showEnclosures', !this.checked);

		// list of chord names to ignore
		ele = document.getElementById('commonChordList');
		ele.value = (typeof options.commonChords == 'string') ? options.commonChords : options.commonChords.join(", ");
		ele.onchange = function() {
			triggerNotify('setCommonChords', this.value);

		// toggle order of reference diagrams
		ele = document.getElementById('chkSortAlpha');
		if (ele) {
			ele.checked = options.sortAlphabetical;
			ele.onclick = function() {
				triggerNotify('sortAlphabetical', this.checked);

		// toggle ignore common chords
		ele = document.getElementById('chkIgnoreCommon');
		ele.checked = options.ignoreCommonChords;
		ele.onclick = function() {
			// Boolean for "isIgnore"
			triggerNotify('hideCommonChords', this.checked);

		// ugh! Event bubbling!
		$('.checkboxBlock label, input[type=checkbox]').click(function(e) {

			handle: 'hgroup'
			//containParent: true

	var triggerNotify = function(action, value) {
		$.event.trigger('option:click', {
			action: action,
			value: value

	// ---------------------------------------
	// return public interface "JSON handle"
	// ---------------------------------------
	return _public;
