API Docs for: 1.4.4

File: editor\ugsEditorPlus.reformat.js

var ugsEditorPlus = window.ugsEditorPlus || {};

 * TK
 * @class reformat
 * @namespace ugsEditorPlus
 * @singleton
ugsEditorPlus.reformat = (function() {
	 * attach public members to this object
	 * @property _public
	 * @type JsonObject
	var _public = {};

	var _hasChords = false;

	 * @property _enums
	 * @private
	var _enums = {
		lineTypes: {
			blank: 0,
			chords: 1,
			lyrics: 2,
			tabs: 3

	 * Line Object Class Definition (sets defaults)
	 * @class reformat.LineObj
	 * @private
	 * @constructor
	 * @for reformat
	var LineObj = function() {
		this.source = '';
		this.wordCount = 0;
		this.spaceCount = 0;
		this.words = [];
		this.chordCount = 0;
		this.lineType = _enums.lineTypes.blank;

	var _re = {
		words: /\b(\S+)\b/gi,
		spaces: /(\s+)/g,
		leadingSpace: /(^\s+)/,
		chordNames: /\b[A-G][#b]?(m|m6|m7|m9|dim|dim7|maj7|sus2|sus4|aug|6|7|9|add9|7sus4)?\b/,
		chrdBlock: /\b(\S+\s*)/g,
		tabs: /^\s*(\|{0,2}[A-Gb]?\|{0,2}[-x0-9|:]{4,})/

	// Hal Leonard Uke Chord Finder:
	// + aug
	// o dim
	// -----------------
	// F Fm F+ Fdim
	// F5 Fadd9 Fm(add9) Fsus4
	// Fsus2 F6 Fm6 Fmaj7
	// Fmaj9 Fm7 Fm(maj7) Fm7b5
	// Fm9 Fm11 F7 Fsus4
	// F+7 F7b5 F9 F7#9
	// F7b9 F11 F13 Fdim7

	 * Accepts a text block, returns "ChordPro" text block with chord lines merged into lyric lines with chords enclosed in square-brackets (i.e. [Cdim])
	 * @method run
	 * @public
	 * @param text {string} songstring
	 * @return {string} ChordPro format text block
	 * @for reformat
	_public.run = function(text) {
		_hasChords = false;
		var lines = read(text);
		return merge(lines);

	 * TRUE if one or more chord lines detected
	 * @method hasChords
	 * @return {bool}
	_public.hasChords = function() {
		return _hasChords;

	 * Accepts a text block
	 * @method read
	 * @param text {string} string RAW song
	 * @return {array of Lines}
	var read = function(text) {
		var lineAry = [];
		text = text.replace('	', '    ');
		var lines = text.split('\n');
		for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
			var words = lines[i].match(_re.words);
			var l = new LineObj();
			l.source = lines[i];
			if ((words != null) && (words.length > 0)) {
				l.wordCount = words.length;
				l.words = words;
				l.chordCount = countChords(words);
			var spaces = lines[i].match(_re.spaces);
			if ((spaces != null) && (spaces.length > 0)) {
				l.spaceCount = spaces.length;
			l.lineType = toLineType(l);
		return lineAry;

	 * Guesses as to the line's tyupe --
	 * @method toLineType
	 * @param line {line}
	 * @return {_enums.lineTypes}
	var toLineType = function(line) {
		if ((line.spaceCount + line.wordCount) < 1) {
			return _enums.lineTypes.blank;

		var tabs = line.source.match(_re.tabs);
		if (tabs != null) {
			return _enums.lineTypes.tabs;

		var t = _enums.lineTypes.lyrics;
		if ((line.chordCount > 0) && (line.wordCount == line.chordCount)) {
			t = _enums.lineTypes.chords;
			_hasChords = true;

		return t;

	 * Looks for supported chords.
	 * @method countChords
	 * @param words {array of words}
	 * @return [int] number found
	var countChords = function(words) {
		var count = 0;
		for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
			if (words[i].match(_re.chordNames)) {
		return count;

	 * Return merged song -- chords embedded within lyrics
	 * @method merge
	 * @param lines {array of Lines}
	 * @return [string]
	var merge = function(lines) {
		var s = '';
		var thisLine, nextLine;
		for (var i = 0; i < lines.length;) {
			thisLine = lines[i];
			nextLine = lines[i + 1];
			// If this line's blank or its the last line...
			if (!nextLine || (thisLine.lineType == _enums.lineTypes.blank)) {
				s += thisLine.source + '\n';

			// OK, we've complicated things a bit by adding tabs, so we'll handle this in a helper...
			if ((thisLine.lineType == _enums.lineTypes.tabs) && isTabBlock(lines, i)) {
				s += '{start_of_tab}\n' + thisLine.source.replace(_re.leadingSpace, '') + '\n' + nextLine.source.replace(_re.leadingSpace, '') + '\n' + lines[i + 1].source.replace(_re.leadingSpace, '') + '\n' + lines[i + 2].source.replace(_re.leadingSpace, '') + '\n' + '{end_of_tab}\n';
				i += 3;

			// finally, look for a "mergable" pair: this line is chords and the next is lyrics -- if not this we'll just output the current line
			if ((thisLine.lineType != _enums.lineTypes.chords) || (nextLine.lineType != _enums.lineTypes.lyrics)) {
				s += (thisLine.lineType == _enums.lineTypes.chords) ? wrapChords(thisLine.source) + '\n' : thisLine.source + '\n';

			// OK, if you're here it's because the current line is chords and the next lyrics, meaning, we're gonna merge them!
			s += mergeLines(thisLine.source, nextLine.source) + '\n';
		return s;

	 * TRUE if we can make a Tab block using this and the following 3 linrd (we need a set of four tab lines followed by a non-tab line)
	 * @method isTabBlock
	 * @param lines {array of Lines}
	 * @param index {int} current line's index within line array
	 * @return [bool]
	var isTabBlock = function(lines, index) {
		if (index + 3 >= lines.length) {
			return false;
		for (var i = index; i < index + 3; i++) {
			if (lines[i].lineType != _enums.lineTypes.tabs) {
				return false;
		return true;

	 * Return a single line
	 * @method mergeLines
	 * @param chordLine {string} the line containing the chord names
	 * @param lyricsLine {string} the line of lyrics
	 * @return [string] merged lines
	var mergeLines = function(chordLine, lyricsLine) {
		while (lyricsLine.length < chordLine.length) {
			lyricsLine += ' ';
		var s = '';
		var blocks = chordLine.match(_re.chrdBlock);
		var lead = chordLine.match(_re.leadingSpace);
		var offset = 0;
		if (lead) {
			s += lyricsLine.substr(offset, lead[0].length);
			offset = lead[0].length;
		for (var j = 0; j < blocks.length; j++) {
			s += '[' + blocks[j].replace(_re.spaces, '') + ']' + lyricsLine.substr(offset, blocks[j].length);
			offset += blocks[j].length;
		if (offset < lyricsLine.length) {
			s += lyricsLine.substr(offset, lyricsLine.length);
		return s;

	 * Wraps the words on the line within square brackets " C D " is returned as "[C] [D]"
	 * @method wrapChords
	 * @param chordLine {string} the line containing the chord names
	 * @return [string] each word of input line gets bracketed
	var wrapChords = function(chordLine) {
		var chords = chordLine.replace(_re.spaces, ' ').split(' ');
		var s = '';
		for (var i = 0; i < chords.length; i++) {
			if (chords[i].length > 0) {
				s += '[' + chords[i] + '] ';
		return s;

	// ---------------------------------------
	// return public interface
	// ---------------------------------------
	return _public;
