API Docs for: 1.4.4

File: editor\ugsEditorPlus.submenuUi.js

 * Wires up all the "pseudo-selects" (aka "dropdownlists") on a Tooltip-Dialog boxes on
 * the page; assumes consistent HTML (hello, jQuery)
 * TODO: Refactor -- quite brittle!
 * @class submenuUi
 * @namespace ugsEditorPlus
ugsEditorPlus.submenuUi = (function() {
	 * attach public members to this object
	 * @property _public
	 * @type JsonObject
	var _public = {};

	var _open = null;

	 * attaches event handlers
	 * @method init
	 * @public
	 * @return {[type]} [description]
	_public.init = function() {
		ugsEditorPlus.themes.loadList('#colorPicker .pseudoSelect', ugsEditorPlus.options.theme);
		$('.enablePseudoSelects label').click(onLabelClick);
		$('.pseudoSelect li').click(onOptionClick);
		$('body').bind('click', closeAll);


	 * a list item has been clicked
	 * @method onOptionClick
	 * @param  {event} e
	 * @return {bool} false to kill event bubbling
	var onOptionClick = function(e) {
		var $optionItem = $(this);
		var value = stripHash($optionItem.children().attr('href'));

		// the element holding the "pseudo-select"
		var $select = $optionItem.parents('dd');
		var id = $select.attr('id');
		var actionName = $select.data('action');

		// a selection's been made so we hide the (sub) select list
		$('#' + id).hide();
		// ...and reset ("uncheck") all items and check ("highlight") this selected item

		onListActive(this, false);
		_open = null;

		// now bubble out the info -- update display to show selected value ...
		$('label[for=' + id + '] span').text(getLabelText(actionName, value, $optionItem));
		$('label[for=' + id + ']').parents('dt').removeClass('active');

		// lastly, execute the action
		$.event.trigger('option:click', {
			action: actionName,
			value: value

		// prevent event bubbling
		return false;

	var setChecked = function($item) {
		if (!$item) {
			//console.log('item for option not found');

	var syncOptions = function(options) {
		var $item, id,
			map = [{
				action: 'zoomFonts',
				value: options.fontSize
			}, {
				action: 'zoomDiagrams',
				value: options.diagramSize
			}, {
				action: 'layout',
				value: options.diagramPosition
			}, {
				action: 'paper',
				value: options.paper
			}, {
				action: 'colors',
				value: options.theme
			}, {
				action: 'tuning',
				value: options.tuning
			}, {
				action: 'placement',
				value: options.lyricStyle

		for (var i = map.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
			$item = $('[data-action=' + map[i].action + '] a[href=#' + map[i].value + ']').closest('li');
			id = $item.closest('dd').attr('id');
			$('label[for=' + id + '] span').text(getLabelText(map[i].action, map[i].value, $item));

	 * Label has been clicked, show associated options dialog box.
	 * Watch for 2-clicks on same label (should hide on second click)
	 * @method onLabelClick
	 * @param  {event} e
	 * @return {bool} false to kill event bubbling
	var onLabelClick = function(e) {
		var $thisLabel = $(this);
		var id = $thisLabel.attr('for');
		$('#' + id).show();
		onListActive(this, true);
		if (_open !== null) {
			$('#' + _open.id).hide();
		if (_open !== null && _open.id == id) {
			_open = null;
		else {
			_open = {
				"id": id

		// prevent event bubbling
		return false;

	_public.reset = function($dlg) {

	var setActiveLabel = function($label) {

	 * trying prevent the options not being set from being too distractive --
	 * (trying and clearly failing)
	 * @method onListActive
	 * @param  {DOM-elemnt}  ele     [description]
	 * @param  {Boolean} isInUse [description]
	 * @return void
	var onListActive = function(ele, isInUse) {
		$(ele).parents('.enablePseudoSelects').toggleClass('event-userSelecting', isInUse);

	 * @method  doCollapseAllLists
	 * @param  {event} e
	 * @return bool
	var doCollapseAllLists = function(e) {
		if ($(e.target).is('a')) {
		_open = null;
		return false;

	 * user clicked off the current dialog -- close 'em all
	 * @method closeAll
	 * @param  {event} e
	var closeAll = function(e) {

	var stripHash = function(value) {
		return (value[0] == '#') ? value.substr(1) : value;

	/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *|
	|* Display Text Methods
	|* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

	 * used to construct the descriptions for current values
	 * @property _descriptions
	 * @private
	 * @type {JSON}
	var _desriptions = {
		'zoomDiagrams': ['Tiny', 'Small', 'Medium', 'Large', 'Stupid Large'],
		'layout': ['Reference diagrams on left', 'Reference diagrams at top', 'No reference diagrams'],
		'placement': ['Chord names inline with lyrics', 'Chord names above lyrics', 'Names & diagrams above lyrics'],
		'tuning': ['Soprano (GCEA) tuning', 'Baritone (DBEA) tuning']

	 * Builds a descriptor string of the current values for the pseudo-select labels
	 * @method getLabelText
	 * @param  {string} action
	 * @param  {string} value
	 * @param  {jQueryElement} $ele jQuery element that ...
	 * @return {string}
	var getLabelText = function(action, value, $ele) {
		var index = $ele.index();

		switch (action) {
			case 'paper':
				return 'Width ' + $ele.text();
			case 'zoomFonts':
				return 'Font size ' + value + 'pt';
			case 'zoomDiagrams':
				return _desriptions.zoomDiagrams[index] + ' diagrams';
			case 'colors':
				return ugsEditorPlus.themes.getDescription(value);
			case 'transpose':
				if (value == 'up_0') {
					return 'Original key';
				var txt = $ele.text();
				return txt.replace(' ', ' steps - "') + '"';
				return _desriptions[action][index];

	_public.resetTransposeLabel = function() {
		$('label[for=transposePicker] span').text('Original key');

	// ---------------------------------------
	// return public interface "JSON handle"
	// ---------------------------------------
	return _public;
