API Docs for: 1.4.4

File: scriptasaurus\ukeGeeks.chordBrush.js

 * First places a Canvas element within a DOM element, then draws a chord diagram on it.
 * @class chordBrush
 * @namespace ukeGeeks
ukeGeeks.chordBrush = function() {

	 * attach public members to this object
	 * @property _public
	 * @type {Object}
	var _public = {};

	// PUBLIC methods

	 * Again this is a constructor replacement
	 * @method init
	 * @return {void}
	_public.init = function() {};

	 * Puts a new Canvas within ChordBox and draws the chord diagram on it.
	 * @method plot
	 * @param chordBox {DOMElement} Handle to the DOM element where the chord is to be drawn.
	 * @param chord {expandedChord} Chord Diagram to be drawn.
	 * @param fretBox {JSON} Appropriate ukeGeeks.settings.fretBox -- either "fretBox" or "inlineFretBox"
	 * @param {JSON} fontSettings (optional) Defaults to settings.fonts
	 * @param {JSON} colorSettings (optional) Defaults to settings.colors
	 * @return {void}
	_public.plot = function(chordBox, chord, fretBox, fontSettings, colorSettings) {
		var ctx = ukeGeeks.canvasTools.addCanvas(chordBox, fretBox.width, fretBox.height);
		if (!ctx) {

		if (!fontSettings) {
			fontSettings = ukeGeeks.settings.fonts;
		if (!colorSettings) {
			colorSettings = ukeGeeks.settings.colors;

		// starting top-left position for chord diagram
		var pos = {
			x: fretBox.topLeftPos.x,
			y: fretBox.topLeftPos.y
		_drawFretboard(ctx, pos, fretBox, colorSettings.fretLines);
		// find where the circle centers should be:
		var centers = {
			x: pos.x,
			y: (pos.y + fretBox.dotRadius)

		// find the vertical shift by dividing the freespace between top and bottom (freespace is the row height less circle diameter)
		var fudgeY = (fretBox.fretSpace - 2 * fretBox.dotRadius) / 2;
		var fretRange = _getFretRange(chord.dots);
		var firstFret = (fretRange.last <= 5) ? 1 : fretRange.last - 4;

		// now add Dots (with finger numbers, if present)
		for (var i = 0; i < chord.dots.length; i++) {
			var s = chord.dots[i].string;
			var p = {
				x: (centers.x + s * fretBox.stringSpace),
				y: (fudgeY + centers.y + (chord.dots[i].fret - firstFret) * fretBox.fretSpace)
			ukeGeeks.canvasTools.drawDot(ctx, p, fretBox.dotRadius, colorSettings.dots);
			// check that the dot's radius isn't stupidly small
			if (chord.dots[i].finger > 0 && fretBox.showText && fretBox.dotRadius > 4) {
				ukeGeeks.canvasTools.drawText(ctx, {
					x: p.x,
					y: (p.y + 5)
				}, chord.dots[i].finger, fontSettings.dot, colorSettings.dotText);

		// If the chord is above the normal first 5 frets we need to add labels for the first and last frets
		if (firstFret != 1) {
			// Label the starting and ending frets (0-12). It's assumed that the fretboard covers frets 1-5.
			// If instead the top fret is 6, say, well, this is the method called to add that "6".
			// The Y position calculation is a bit klunky. How big of a fret range is present in the chord?
			var txtPos = {
				x: 0,
				y: pos.y + fretBox.fretSpace * (0.96 * (5.0 - (fretRange.last - fretRange.first)))
				// Old Y caculcation: pos.y + (0.8 * fretBox.fretSpace)
			ukeGeeks.canvasTools.drawText(ctx, txtPos, fretRange.first, fontSettings.fret, colorSettings.fretText, 'left');

			// no point in double plotting a fret (i.e. barred 8th fret) so only add second label if
			// first and last frets are different. Also, it's odd to see both 8 & 9, so only show if there's
			// at least one fret between first and last (i.e. 8 & 10)
			if ((fretRange.last - fretRange.first) > 1) {
				txtPos.y = pos.y + (4.8 * fretBox.fretSpace);
				ukeGeeks.canvasTools.drawText(ctx, txtPos, fretRange.last, fontSettings.fret, colorSettings.fretText, 'left');

		// TODO: top offset
		if (fretBox.showText) {
			ukeGeeks.canvasTools.drawText(ctx, {
				x: (pos.x + 1.5 * fretBox.stringSpace),
				y: (pos.y - 5)
			}, chord.name, fontSettings.text, colorSettings.text);

		_mutedStrings(ctx, fretBox, chord.muted, colorSettings.xStroke);

	// PRIVATE methods

	 * @method _drawFretboard
	 * @private
	 * @param ctx {CanvasContext} Valid Canvas Context Handle
	 * @param pos {XYPosObject} Object with two properties: x & y ints, position in pixels
	 * @param fretBox {settings}
	 * @return {void}
	var _drawFretboard = function(ctx, pos, fretBox, fretColor) {
		// width offset, a "subpixel" adjustment
		var i, offset = fretBox.lineWidth / 2;
		// locals
		var stringHeight = ukeGeeks.settings.numFrets * fretBox.fretSpace;
		var fretWidth = 3 * fretBox.stringSpace;
		// build shape
		// add "C" & "E" strings
		for (i = 1; i < 3; i++) {
			var x = pos.x + i * fretBox.stringSpace + offset;
			ctx.moveTo(x, pos.y + offset);
			ctx.lineTo(x, pos.y + stringHeight + offset);
		// add frets
		for (i = 1; i < ukeGeeks.settings.numFrets; i++) {
			var y = pos.y + i * fretBox.fretSpace + offset;
			ctx.moveTo(pos.x + offset, y);
			ctx.lineTo(pos.x + fretWidth + offset, y);
		ctx.rect(pos.x + offset, pos.y + offset, fretWidth, stringHeight);
		// stroke shape
		ctx.strokeStyle = fretColor;
		ctx.lineWidth = fretBox.lineWidth;

	 * TODO: Loop over the muted array, dropping X's whenever a string position is TRUE
	 * @method _mutedStrings
	 * @private
	 * @param  {CanvasContext} ctx  Valid Canvas Context handle
	 * @param  {JSON} fretBox  See Settings.fretBox
	 * @param  {bool} muted    Is this string "muted"?
	 * @param  {string} strokeColor Valid CSS hex color (shorthand not recommended)
	 * @return {void}
	var _mutedStrings = function(ctx, fretBox, muted, strokeColor) {
		var x = fretBox.topLeftPos.x + fretBox.lineWidth / 2;
		var y = fretBox.topLeftPos.y + fretBox.lineWidth / 4;
		for (var i = 0; i < muted.length; i++) {
			if (muted[i]) {
				_drawX(ctx, {
					x: x + i * fretBox.stringSpace,
					y: y
				}, fretBox, strokeColor);

	 * Plots an "X" centered at POSITION
	 * @method _drawX
	 * @private
	 * @param {CanvasContext} ctx Valid Canvas Context handle
	 * @param centerPos {XyPositionJson} JSON with two properties: x & y ints, position in pixels, format {x: <int>, y: <int>}
	 * @param  {JSON} fretBox  See Settings.fretBox
	 * @param  {string} strokeColor Valid CSS hex color (shorthand not recommended)
	 * @return {void}
	var _drawX = function(ctx, pos, fretBox, strokeColor) {
		pos.x -= fretBox.xWidth / 2;
		pos.y -= fretBox.xWidth / 2;


		ctx.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y);
		ctx.lineTo(pos.x + fretBox.xWidth, pos.y + fretBox.xWidth);
		ctx.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y + fretBox.xWidth);
		ctx.lineTo(pos.x + fretBox.xWidth, pos.y);

		ctx.strokeStyle = strokeColor;
		ctx.lineWidth = fretBox.xStroke;

	 * Returns first & last frets, 0 if none found.
	 * @method _getFretRange
	 * @private
	 * @param dots {array<data.dot>} Array of ukeGeeks.data.dot objects
	 * @return {JSON}
	var _getFretRange = function(dots) {
		var max = -1;
		var min = 300;

		for (var i = 0; i < dots.length; i++) {
			if (dots[i].fret > max) {
				max = dots[i].fret;
			if (dots[i].fret < min) {
				min = dots[i].fret;
		return {
			first: (min < 300) ? min : 0,
			last: (max > 0) ? max : 0

	/* return our public interface
	return _public;
