API Docs for: 1.4.4

File: scriptasaurus\ukeGeeks.cpmParser.js

 * Reads a text block and returns an object containing whatever ChordPro elements it recognizes.
 * A cleaned, HTML version of song is included.
 * @class cpmParser
 * @namespace ukeGeeks
ukeGeeks.cpmParser = function() {

	 * attach public members to this object
	 * @property _public
	 * @type {Object}
	var _public = {};

	 * Number of columns defined
	 * @property _columnCount
	 * @private
	 * @type int
	var _columnCount = 1;

	 * Under development, bool indicating whether any chords were found within the lyrics.
	 * Helpful for tablature-only arrangements.
	 * TODO: do not rely on this!!!
	 * @property _hasChords
	 * @private
	 * @type bool
	var _hasChords = false; // TODO:

	 * Song's key. May be set via command tag {key: C} otherwise use the first chord found (if available)
	 * @property _firstChord
	 * @private
	 * @type string
	var _firstChord = '';

	 * Again this is a constructor replacement. Just here for consistency. Does nothing.
	 * @method init
	 * @return {void}
	_public.init = function() {};

	 * Accepts CPM text, returning HTML marked-up text
	 * @method parse
	 * @param text {string} string RAW song
	 * @return {songObject}
	_public.parse = function(text) {
		var song = new ukeGeeks.data.song();
		text = _stripHtml(text);
		var songDom = _domParse(text);
		songDom = _parseInstr(songDom);
		songDom = _parseSimpleInstr(songDom);
		songDom = _markChordLines(songDom);
		song.body = _export(songDom);
		if (_columnCount > 1) {
			song.body = '<div class="' + _classNames.ColumnWrap + ' ' + _classNames.ColumnCount + _columnCount + '">' + '<div class="' + _classNames.Column + '">' + song.body + '</div>' + '</div>';
		song.hasChords = _hasChords;
		var tmp;
		// Song Title
		tmp = _getInfo(songDom, _blockTypeEnum.Title);
		if (tmp.length > 0) {
			song.title = tmp[0];
		// Artist
		tmp = _getInfo(songDom, _blockTypeEnum.Artist);
		if (tmp.length > 0) {
			song.artist = tmp[0];
		// Song Subtitle
		tmp = _getInfo(songDom, _blockTypeEnum.Subtitle);
		if (tmp.length > 0) {
			song.st = tmp[0];
		if (tmp.length > 1) {
			song.st2 = tmp[1];
		// Album
		tmp = _getInfo(songDom, _blockTypeEnum.Album);
		if (tmp.length > 0) {
			song.album = tmp[0];
		// UkeGeeks "Extras"
		tmp = _getInfo(songDom, _blockTypeEnum.UkeGeeksMeta);
		if (tmp.length > 0) {
			song.ugsMeta = tmp;
		// Key
		tmp = _getInfo(songDom, _blockTypeEnum.Key);
		if (tmp.length > 0) {
			song.key = tmp[0];
		else if (_firstChord !== '') {
			// Setting Key to first chord found
			song.key = _firstChord;
		// Chord Definitions
		tmp = _getInfo(songDom, _blockTypeEnum.ChordDefinition);
		if (tmp.length > 0) {
			for (var i in tmp) {
				song.defs.push(ukeGeeks.chordImport.runLine('{define: ' + tmp[i] + '}'));
		return song;

		TODO: add ukeGeeks Meta support:
		$regEx = "/{(ukegeeks-meta|meta)\s*:\s*(.+?)}/i";
	var _regEx = {
		blocks: /\s*{\s*(start_of_tab|sot|start_of_chorus|soc|end_of_tab|eot|end_of_chorus|eoc)\s*}\s*/im,
		tabBlock: /\s*{\s*(start_of_tab|sot)\s*}\s*/im,
		chorusBlock: /\s*{\s*(start_of_chorus|soc)\s*}\s*/im

	 * All of the CSS classnames used by UkeGeeks JavaScript
	 * @property _classNames
	 * @private
	 * @type JSON
	var _classNames = {
		Comment: 'ugsComment',
		Tabs: 'ugsTabs',
		Chorus: 'ugsChorus',
		PreChords: 'ugsChords', // preformatted with chords
		PrePlain: 'ugsPlain', // preformated, no chords
		NoLyrics: 'ugsNoLyrics', // preformated, chords ONLY -- no lyrics (text) between 'em
		ColumnWrap: 'ugsWrap',
		ColumnCount: 'ugsColumnCount',
		Column: 'ugsColumn',
		NewPage: 'ugsNewPage'

	 * Enumeration defining the types of nodes used within this class to parse CPM
	 * @property _blockTypeEnum
	 * @private
	 * @type JSON-enum
	var _blockTypeEnum = {
		// Multiline Nodes
		TextBlock: 1, // temporary type, should be replaced with Chord Text or Plain Text
		ChorusBlock: 2,
		TabBlock: 3,
		// Single Line "Instruction" Nodes
		Comment: 101,
		Title: 102,
		Subtitle: 103,
		Album: 104,
		ChordDefinition: 105,
		UkeGeeksMeta: 106,
		ColumnBreak: 107, // Defining this as an instruction instead of a node since I'm not requiring a Begin/End syntax and it simplifies processing
		Artist: 108,
		NewPage: 109,
		Key: 110,
		// Text Types
		ChordText: 201,
		PlainText: 202,
		ChordOnlyText: 203, //
		// Undefined
		Undefined: 666

	 * Retuns the block type (_blockTypeEnum) of passed in line.
	 * @method _getBlockType
	 * @private
	 * @param line {songNode}
	 * @return {_blockTypeEnum}
	var _getBlockType = function(line) {
		// TODO: verify line's type in documentation
		if (_regEx.chorusBlock.test(line)) {
			return _blockTypeEnum.ChorusBlock;
		else if (_regEx.tabBlock.test(line)) {
			return _blockTypeEnum.TabBlock;
		return _blockTypeEnum.TextBlock;

	 * Convert passed in song to HTML block
	 * @method _export
	 * @private
	 * @param song {songNodeArray}
	 * @return {strings}
	var _export = function(song) {
		var nl = "\n";
		var html = '';
		for (var i = 0; i < song.length; i++) {
			if (song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.Title){
				html += '<h1>' + song[i].lines[0] + '</h1>' + nl;
			else if (song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.Subtitle){
				html += '<h2>' + song[i].lines[0] + '</h2>' + nl;
			else if (song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.Album){
				html += '<h3 class="ugsAlbum">' + song[i].lines[0] + '</h3>' + nl;
			else if (song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.UkeGeeksMeta){
				html += '<h3>' + song[i].lines[0] + '</h3>' + nl;
			if (song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.Comment) {
				html += '<h6 class="' + _classNames.Comment + '">' + song[i].lines[0] + '</h6>' + nl;
			else if (song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.NewPage) {
				html += '<hr class="' + _classNames.NewPage + '" />' + nl;
			else if ((song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.ChordText) || (song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.PlainText) || (song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.ChordOnlyText)) {
				// TODO: beware undefined's!!!
				// Repack the text, only open/close <pre> tags when type changes
				// problem: exacerbates WebKit browsers' first chord position bug.
				if (song[i].lines[0].length < 1) {
					// prevent empty blocks (usually caused by comments mixed in header tags)
				var myClass = (song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.PlainText) ? _classNames.PrePlain : _classNames.PreChords;
				if (song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.ChordOnlyText) {
					myClass += ' ' + _classNames.NoLyrics;
				var myType = song[i].type;
				var lastType = ((i - 1) >= 0) ? song[i - 1].type : _blockTypeEnum.Undefined;
				var nextType = ((i + 1) < song.length) ? nextType = song[i + 1].type : _blockTypeEnum.Undefined;
				html += (lastType != myType) ? ('<pre class="' + myClass + '">') : nl;
				html += song[i].lines[0];
				html += (nextType != myType) ? ('</pre>' + nl) : '';
			else if (song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.ChorusBlock) {
				html += '<div class="' + _classNames.Chorus + '">' + nl;
				html += _export(song[i].lines);
				html += '</div>' + nl;
			else if (song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.TabBlock) {
				html += '<pre class="' + _classNames.Tabs + '">';
				for (var j in song[i].lines) {
					html += song[i].lines[j] + nl;
				html += '</pre>' + nl;
			else if (song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.TextBlock) {
				html += _export(song[i].lines);
			else if (song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.ColumnBreak) {
				html += '</div><div class="' + _classNames.Column + '">';
			// else {}
		return html;

	 * Debugging tool for Firebug. Echos the song's structure.
	 * @method _echo
	 * @private
	 * @param song {songNodeArray}
	 * @return {void}
	var _echo = function(song) {
		for (var i in song) {
			console.log('>> ' + i + '. ' + song[i].type + ' node, ' + song[i].lines.length + ' lines');
			for (var j in song[i].lines) {

	 * Explodes passed in text block into an array of songNodes ready for further parsing.
	 * @method _domParse
	 * @private
	 * @param text {string}
	 * @return {songNodeArray}
	var _domParse = function(text) {
		var lines = text.split('\n');
		var song = [];
		var tmpBlk = null;
		var isMarker; // block marker
		for (var i in lines) {
			// strip comments
			if ((lines[i].length > 0) && (lines[i][0] == '#')) {
			isMarker = _regEx.blocks.test(lines[i]);
			if (isMarker || tmpBlk === null) {
				// save last block, start new one...
				if (tmpBlk !== null) {
				tmpBlk = {
					type: _getBlockType(lines[i]),
					lines: []
				if (!isMarker) {
					// Don't miss that first line!
			else {
				var s = ukeGeeks.toolsLite.trim(lines[i]);
				if (s.length > 0) {
		if (tmpBlk.lines.length > 0) {
		return song;

	 * Goes through songNodes, those nodes that are "instructions" are exploded and
	 * a "the resulting "songDomElement" built, this songDomElement then replaces the
	 * original line.
	 * The regular expression look for instructions with this format:
	 * {commandVerb: commandArguments}
	 * @method _parseInstr
	 * @private
	 * @param song {songNodeArray}
	 * @return {songNodeArray}
	var _parseInstr = function(song) {
		var regEx = {
			instr: /\{[^}]+?:.*?\}/im,
			cmdArgs: /\{.+?:(.*)\}/gi,
			cmdVerb: /\{(.+?)\s*:.*\}/gi
		for (var i in song) {
			for (var j in song[i].lines) {
				if (regEx.instr.test(song[i].lines[j])) {
					var args = song[i].lines[j].replace(regEx.cmdArgs, '$1');
					var verb = song[i].lines[j].replace(regEx.cmdVerb, '$1').toLowerCase();
					verb = verb.replace(/\r/, ''); // IE7 bug
					var tmpBlk = {
						type: '',
						lines: []
					switch (verb) {
						case 'title':
						case 't':
							tmpBlk.type = _blockTypeEnum.Title;
						case 'artist':
							tmpBlk.type = _blockTypeEnum.Artist;
						case 'subtitle':
						case 'st':
							tmpBlk.type = _blockTypeEnum.Subtitle;
						case 'album':
							tmpBlk.type = _blockTypeEnum.Album;
						case 'comment':
						case 'c':
							tmpBlk.type = _blockTypeEnum.Comment;
						case 'key':
						case 'k':
							tmpBlk.type = _blockTypeEnum.Key;
						case 'define':
							tmpBlk.type = _blockTypeEnum.ChordDefinition;
						case 'ukegeeks-meta':
							tmpBlk.type = _blockTypeEnum.UkeGeeksMeta;
							tmpBlk.type = 'Undefined-' + verb;
					tmpBlk.lines[0] = ukeGeeks.toolsLite.trim(args);
					song[i].lines[j] = tmpBlk;
		return song;

	 * A "Simple Instruction" is one that accepts no arguments. Presently this only handles Column Breaks.
	 * @method _parseSimpleInstr
	 * @private
	 * @param song {songNodeArray}
	 * @return {songNodeArray}
	var _parseSimpleInstr = function(song) {
		var regEx = {
			columnBreak: /\s*{\s*(column_break|colb|np|new_page)\s*}\s*/im
		for (var i in song) {
			for (var j in song[i].lines) {
				if (regEx.columnBreak.test(song[i].lines[j])) {
					var verb = song[i].lines[j].replace(regEx.columnBreak, '$1').toLowerCase();
					switch (verb) {
						case 'column_break':
						case 'colb':
							song[i].lines[j] = {
								type: _blockTypeEnum.ColumnBreak,
								lines: []
						case 'new_page':
						case 'np':
							song[i].lines[j] = {
								type: _blockTypeEnum.NewPage,
								lines: []
		return song;

	 * Runs through songNodes and if the line contains at least one chord it's type is et to
	 * ChordText, otherwise it's marked as "PlainText", meaning straight lyrics
	 * @method _markChordLines
	 * @private
	 * @param song {songNodeArray}
	 * @return {songNodeArray}
	var _markChordLines = function(song) {
		var regEx = {
			chord: /\[(.+?)]/i,
			allChords: /\[(.+?)]/img

		var chordFound,

		for (var i in song) {
			if ((song[i].type != _blockTypeEnum.TextBlock) && (song[i].type != _blockTypeEnum.ChorusBlock)) {
			for (var j in song[i].lines) {
				line = song[i].lines[j];
				if (typeof(line) != 'string') {

				chordFound = regEx.chord.test(line);
				_hasChords = _hasChords || chordFound;
				hasOnlyChords = chordFound && (ukeGeeks.toolsLite.trim(line.replace(regEx.allChords, '')).length < 1);
				// need to find
				song[i].lines[j] = {
					type: (hasOnlyChords ? _blockTypeEnum.ChordOnlyText : (chordFound ? _blockTypeEnum.ChordText : _blockTypeEnum.PlainText)),
					lines: [line]

				if (chordFound && _firstChord === '') {
					var m = line.match(regEx.chord);
					if (m) {
						_firstChord = m[1];
		return song;

	 * Searches the songNodes for the specified block type, retunrs all matching node line (text) values.
	 * @method _getInfo
	 * @private
	 * @param song {songNodeArray}
	 * @param type {_blockTypeEnum}
	 * @return {array}
	var _getInfo = function(song, type) {
		var rtn = [];
		for (var i in song) {
			if (song[i].type == type) {
			else if (song[i].type == _blockTypeEnum.TextBlock) {
				for (var j in song[i].lines) {
					if (song[i].lines[j].type == type) {
		return rtn;

	 * Removes HTML "pre" tags and comments.
	 * @method _stripHtml
	 * @private
	 * @param text {string}
	 * @return {string}
	var _stripHtml = function(text) {
		var regEx = {
			pre: /<\/?pre>/img, // HTML <pre></pre>
			htmlComment: /<!--(.|\n)*?-->/gm // HTML <!-- Comment -->
		return text.replace(regEx.pre, '').replace(regEx.htmlComment, '');

	/* return our public interface */
	return _public;