API Docs for: 1.4.4

File: scriptasaurus\ukeGeeks.definitions.js

 * Defines chords and provides simple lookup (find) tools.
 * @class definitions
 * @namespace ukeGeeks
 * @static
 * @singleton
ukeGeeks.definitions = (function() {
	 * attach public members to this object
	 * @property _public
	 * @type {Object}
	var _public = {};

	 * Array of "user" defined chords, in compactChord format. Use "Add" method.
	 * @property _userChords
	 * @type array
	 * @private
	var _userChords = [];

	var _chords = [];

	var _instruments = [];

	var _offset = 0;
	var _map = [];

	 * Enum (simple JSON name/value pairs) defining instrument tunings (offsets from standard Soprano Ukulele)
	 * @property instrument
	 * @type JSON
	_public.instrument = {
		sopranoUke: 0, // GCEA
		baritoneUke: 5 // DGBA -- Baritone's "A" fingering is the Soprano's "D"

	------------------------------------ */
	 * Define an instrument's chord dictionary, this makes this instrument avaiable for showing its chord diagrams.
	 * @method addInstrument
	 * @param definitions {mixed} (Either string or array of strings) Block of CPM text -- specifically looks for instrurment, tuning, and define statements.
	 * @return {void}
	_public.addInstrument = function(definitions) {
		if (typeof definitions === 'object') {
			// flatten the array
			definitions = definitions.join("\n");

	 * Choose which instrument's chord dictionary you want used for the chord
	 * diagrams. NOTE: .
	 * @method useInstrument
	 * @param offset {int} (optional) default 0. Number of semitones to shif the tuning.
	 * @return {void}
	_public.useInstrument = function(offset) {
		offset = (arguments.length > 0) ? offset : _public.instrument.sopranoUke;
		_offset = parseInt(offset, 10);
		if (_offset > 0) {
			_map = ukeGeeks.transpose.retune(_offset);

	 * Returns expanded ChordObject for requested "chord"
	 * @method get
	 * @param chordName {string} Chord name
	 * @return {expandedChord}
	_public.get = function(chordName) {
		var i, c, chrd, name;

		// try User Defined chords first
		for (i = 0; i < _userChords.length; i++) {
			if (chordName == _userChords[i].name) {
				return _userChords[i];
		// next: built-in chords:
		if (_offset < 1) {
			return _get(chordName);

		// user has retuned the chords, need to find chord name "as-is",
		// but get the fingering from the mapping
		name = _getAlias(chordName);
		for (i in _map) {
			if (name == _map[i].original) {
				c = _get(_map[i].transposed);
				if (c) {
					chrd = new ukeGeeks.data.expandedChord(chordName);
					chrd.dots = c.dots;
					chrd.muted = c.muted;
					return chrd;

		return null;

	// local substitions (replacements for identical chord shapes)
	var _aliases = {
		'A#': 'Bb',
		'Db': 'C#',
		'D#': 'Eb',
		'Gb': 'F#',
		'Ab': 'G#'

	 * A chord name normalizer: We don't store any chord definitions for A#, Db, D#, Gb, or Ab. Instead
	 * definitions of the more common notes are stored instead. So for the A# fingering we return the
	 * Bb fingering and so on.
	 * Returns original chord name if there is no defined alias.
	 * @method _getAlias
	 * @param  {string} chordName [
	 * @return {string}
	var _getAlias = function(chordName) {
		var n = chordName.substr(0, 2);
		return !_aliases[n] ? chordName : _aliases[n] + chordName.substr(2);

	 * Pass in "standard" chord name, returns match from defined chords or null if not found
	 * @private
	 * @method _get
	 * @param chordName {string} Chord name
	 * @return {expandedChord}
	var _get = function(chordName) {
		var i, chrd,
			name = _getAlias(chordName);
		for (i = 0; i < _chords.length; i++) {
			if (name == _chords[i].name) {
				chrd = new ukeGeeks.data.expandedChord(chordName);
				chrd.dots = _chords[i].dots;
				chrd.muted = _chords[i].muted;
				return chrd;
		return null;

	 * @method add
	 * @param data {array} array of expanded chord objects
	 * @return {int}
	_public.add = function(data) {
		if (data.length) {
			for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
		return _userChords.length;

	 * @method replace
	 * @param data {array} array of expanded chord objects
	 * @return {int}
	_public.replace = function(data) {
		_userChords = [];
		return _public.add(data);

	 * Getter for chord array (compactChord format) -- full library of predefined chords. Mainly used for debugging.
	 * @method getChords
	 * @return {arrayChords}
	_public.getChords = function() {
		return _chords;

	_public.setChords = function(value) {
		_chords = value;

	return _public;