Defining Extra Chords

Buz Carter

Even More ChordPro Tips (2012)

{title: Defining Extra Chords}
{artist: Buz Carter}
{album: Even More ChordPro Tips (2012)}

# here's my custom chords:
{define: Gm7b5 frets 0111 fingers 0211}

# alternate "Voicings" (note spaces aren't required, but are recommended)
{define: C-2pos frets 9 7 8 7}

# redefine a common chords
{define: C-alt frets 5 4 3 3 fingers 3 2 1 1}

# any name!
{define: Ice frets 3 1 1 1 fingers 3 1 1 1 add: string 1 fret 1 finger 1}
{define: Cream frets 5 1 2 2 fingers 4 1 3 2}
{define: Pie frets 2 1 1 4 fingers 2 1 1 4 add: string 1 fret 1 finger 1 add: string 4 fret 1 finger 1}

# include fingers to be helpful!
{define: G-alt frets 4 2 3 2 fingers 3 1 2 1 add: string 1 fret 2 finger 1 add: string 3 fret 2 finger 1}

UkeGeeks "knows" only basic chords (hey, it has more than
160, which is a bunch more than I know), so how do you 
teach it new chords? 

Easy! Use [Gm7b5]the "define" tag

{comment: Same Chord, Different Voicings}
Sometimes [C]you want to show
[C-2pos]Second postion chord diagrams...
And other times [C-alt]recommend an alternate fingering

{c:...And Did You Know}
You can [Ice]name your [Cream]chords [Pie]anything!

[G-alt]You don't have to include the "extra" fingers,
Such as barre chords...
(but it helps)

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